history of north madison
Madison, CT

The History of North Madison, Connecticut

Writer Merritt W. Cleaver, intrigued by the land and lore of North Madison, originally penned a history about this rugged land in 1985 and then dedicated two more decades expanding the work with new research and records.

The result is a soft cover, 266 page, 16 color image captivating book covering: Hammonassett Indians and Colonists; Boundaries; First Settlers; Genesee; Iron Works; Charcoal Industry; Pike’s Arithmetic; Rueben Johnson’s Journal; The 1920s – A New Town; Ninevah Falls; Hunting, Fishing and the Hammonassett Fishing Association; New Haven Water Company Projects; Local Geology; Unsolved Murders; A Famous Son – Nearly Forgotten; High Hill; Old Homes; and The Congregational Church and the Circle.

The book also includes 11 annotated manuscripts, tax records and census information.
